Monday, May 10, 2010


Three adorable kids + only two fists ejected and a screamer = A suprisingly calm Mother's Day.

"Mom aren't you proud of us? For Mother's day you asked us to be nice and we did pretty good except for when Caitlyn was bugging me." - Hollywood

"Mom since it's Mother's Day, I would like you to go on a bike ride with me." -Curly

"Mom, mom, mom - Whoagan ruined my life! MOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMM - Kaykin hurted me and won't get me a nan-daid." - The Wee One

I sometimes find it shocking that as a teenager I never really wanted children of my own.


Chad said...

My dad calls this Vengeance.

Karen and Joe said...

LOL!! "Happy" mothers day!! =)