Sunday, July 19, 2009

So She Dances

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:"

1. I love that you always want to go with me wherever I go. Whether it is the grocery store, or shopping, you are always there to keep me company. I pray that never changes.

2. I love that your favorite thing to do is to get your nails painted. I hope the simple things will continue to be important to you.

3. I love that when you draw, and create stories, the princess and the knight get married in the temple. I hope you will remember how important eternal families are, even when the time comes to make tough decisions.

4. I love when we are in a store you ask to get something for Logan and Reagan. Your siblings are the longest lasting relationships you will have here on earth, I love that you are good to them.

5. I love that you want to be friends with everyone. Friends are important at every age.

6. I love your compassion. Your tender heart shines through in everything you do, from feeding the dogs, to helping Reagan wash her hands. It is a characteristic people will seek out your friendship for.

7. I love that you don't quit. Even when it is tough, even when the task seems impossible to complete, you see it through. This will serve you well in every aspect of your life. I am proud of you!

8. I love that you are a happy person and find joy in everything around you.

9. I love that you want to learn. Knowledge is the one thing no one can take away from you. You may lose a house, a car, a favorite toy, or even loved ones, but once knowledge is acquired it is yours forever.

10. I love that you let me call you "baby girl" and still love to snuggle. I hope that never changes!

There is so much about you to love. Mostly, I just love you because everything about you is unique to you and who you are. I am honored I was chosen to be your mom!


Kari Pike said...

Kristi, your kids are sooo cute! I loved reading this post! hugs~

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Caitlyn!
I love that Caitlyn brings you as much joy as you do for me! Daughters are a special gift to enjoy forever and always! Take in each and every moment...
Grammie xo

Sally said...

What a cute birthday girl and such a sweet tribute. I loved your little list.

PS I didn't get to actually speak to you so i wanted to say HI from church yesterday.

Karen and Joe said...

What a sweet post! She is such a sweetie and you are such a fun mom! What a great way to remember her birthday!